Events in init Lab happen, thanks to people just like you – volunteers who would like to present their lecture, an interesting project or an idea for one.
If you would like to organize an event, please send a proposal to us at initlab dot org or via the contact form below, which contains the event title, a short description and a preferred date/time. After approval from init Lab’s board members, it will be published in the Events section of our website. As an event organizer, you’ll be granted temporary access to our space’s access control system at and you’ll need a registration there in order to use it.
Usually, all events at init Lab are personal, free and open to all visitors, without a membership requirement.
In case your event is personal but the participants would like not to be disturbed, it is required for the event organizer to be a member of init Lab, and this exception to be specifically approved by the board members of init Lab. After approval, the event will be created with a “restricted access” tag, and the description also mentions it.
In case of a paid educational event, it needs to be discussed with init Lab’s board members, and the organizer needs to contribute to the lab and provide a discount to init Lab members.
All other event types are decided by the board members on case by case basis.