Change in init Lab’s membership fee
On our last board meeting we decided to update our membership fee. It turns out that the last change in that matter was in 2011, so we felt it’s hight time we fixed this.
Starting on 26 October, being the day of the announcement, the following changes apply:
- Monthly membership fee for an adult is 42 BGN.
- Monthly membership fee for a school student is 14 BGN.
- 6-month prepaid membership for an adult is 210 BGN.
- 6-month prepaid membership for a school student is 70 BGN.
No additional payment is required from members who have prepaid for the current period.
We remind you, that membership fee is not a requirement for a person to visit init Lab’s events, but a mean of expressing support of the hackerspace. It is actually its main source of income that provides a level of sustainability donations wouldn’t provide. Membership fee has no upper limit, so the provided fees are the minimum we accept for a valid membership.