За втора неделя се събираме в хакерспейса, да играем една от любимите ни ролеви игри.
Ето го описанието на нашият желаещ водещ:

Hello, dear adventurers. Today I want to invite you on a new adventure in the world of Eberron.
Eberron is a campaign setting created by Keith Baker for the third edition of D&D and later updated for subsequent editions. It is known for its unique blend of magic and technology, as well as its pulp noir and steampunk-inspired elements.
**Key features of the Eberron setting include:**

Magic as Technology: In Eberron, magic is treated as a form of advanced technology. The setting features magical trains, airships, and other fantastical inventions that integrate seamlessly with the world.

Dragonmarks: Dragonmarks are magical sigils that appear on certain individuals, granting them innate magical abilities. Different dragonmarks provide different powers, and they are often associated with specific families and guilds.

Warforged: Eberron introduced the Warforged, sentient constructs created for warfare. These humanoid beings, often resembling constructs made of metal and wood, have free will and emotions. They play a unique role in the world, grappling with questions of identity and purpose.

Five Nations: The primary political entities in Eberron are the Five Nations of Khorvaire—Breland, Aundair, Thrane, Karrnath, and Cyre. The Last War, a continent-spanning conflict, recently ended, and the nations are now dealing with the aftermath and new challenges.

House Cannith and Artificers: House Cannith is a powerful dragonmarked house that specializes in crafting and innovation. Artificers, a class unique to Eberron, are adept at using magical devices and infusing items with magical energy.

The Mournland: Formerly the nation of Cyre, the Mournland is a desolate and magically warped wasteland resulting from a cataclysmic event during the Last War. It is a place of mystery and danger.
Intrigue and Espionage: The setting is known for its intrigue and espionage elements, with various secret societies, political machinations, and hidden agendas at play.
Overall, Eberron offers a diverse and dynamic world with a mix of traditional fantasy elements and innovative twists, making it a popular and distinctive campaign setting for D&D players.
Lore of Eberron takes two books of 300 pages each.
**But don’t be afraid! **
You do not have to read all of it to have fun. As a DM, I will be glad to assist in any way.
Currently I am preparing a small one shot for 4 players. During this one shot, you will get familiar with world of Eberron, participate in a dashing Indiana Jones/Uncharted style adventure, tap on ancient mysteries and take a glimpse on conspiracy and secret societies.
**Technical information:**

One shot adventure with high chance of becoming a campaign

4 players starting level 3

8 characters will be pre generated by me (4 of them will participate in adventure), so players can choose the one, which suit them. Characters will be slowly posted in this thread for you to observe and choose from.

You can create your own character! I will be glad to assist and discuss it with you. Just to let you know, we use only DnD 5e Player Handbook, Eberron: Rising from the Last War and Exploring Eberron. I can provide you with PDF’s if you need them. Please don’t use any other books so we could be on the same set of rules.

Communication language at the table: English (sorry I can not yet be a DM in Bulgarian, but I am learning).
Пишете му в дискорд за повече информация: Nukerunner#2725
Това е от нас за сега ^^ много приключения желаем!